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nobis hodie. Et dimitte nobis          and forgive us our trespasses,
debita nostra, sicut et            as we forgive them that
nos dimittimus debitoribus         trespass against us. And
nostris. Et ne nos inducas            lead us not into temptation.
in tentationem. Sed libera            But deliver us from evil.
nos a malo. Amen.                           Amen.

Libera nos ..., Deliver us ..., p. 20.
Perceptio ..., Let not..., p. 22.
Domine ..., Lord ..., p. 22.
Corpus Domini ..., May the Body..., p. 22.

Communion of the people.

he Confiteor... I confess... is recited p. 7.
May almighty God... p. 7.
May the Almighty ... p. 7.

Taking the ciborium, the priest says :

Behold the Lamb of God, behold Him Who takes away the sins of the world.

The priest repeats three times : Lord, I am not worthy ... p .22.
May the Body... p. 23.

After Holy Communion is distributed, the following prayers are recited :

Let us pray. Upon the people, O Lord, who have devoutly dwelt on the sufferings of Thy Son,
bestow, we beseech Thee, all the blessings of forgiveness, comfort and ever increasing faith, for
the assurance of their eternal salvation. Through the same Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Let us pray. Almighty and merciful God, Who by the blessed Passion and Death of Thine Christ hast restored
us to life : preserve in us this work of Thy mercy; that

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