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Solemn Evening Mass

Privileged Feria.  Double First Class.   Station: St. John Lateran       White & Purple.

The special theme for this day is the love of our Lord in the institution of the Blessed Eucharist
and His fraternal charity in the washing of feet. We are to think of ourselves as disciples in the
Upper Room, gathered about our Lord for a fraternal meal. For the Mass of the Last Supper is the
Mass of Christian unity. On this day there may be only one Mass, so that the faithful may be
brought together in unity to partake of one sacred banquet, instead of coming to receive Holy
Communion at separate and different times. Under the new rules this Mass is to take place in the

Prayers at the foot of the altar, pp. 6, 7.

Introit. Galatians 6, 14. But it behooves us to glory in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ : in
Whom is our salvation, life and resurrection : by Whom we are saved and delivered.
Ps. 66, 2. May
God have mercy on us, and bless us : may He cause the light of His countenance to shine upon us;
and may He have mercy on us.
But it behooves us ...
Kyrie, p. 8.
The Gloria (p. 8) is now said and the bells are rung, after which the ringing of bells and the
playing of the organ are stopped until the Mass of the Vigil of Easter.

Prayer. Let us pray. O God, from Whom Judas
received the punishment of his guilt, and the thief the