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dost Thou wash my feet? Jesus answered and said to him, If I wash thee not, thou shalt have no part
with Me. V. What I do, thou knowest not now; but thou shalt know hereafter. Lord, dost Thou...

John 15, 13. If then, I being your Lord and Master have washed your feet; you also ought to wash
one another's feet.
Ps. 48, 2. Hear these things, all ye nations : give ear, all ye inhabitants of
the world . If then ...

John 13, 35. By this shall all men know that you are My disciples, if you have love one for
another.  V. Said Jesus to his disciples . By this...

1 Cor. 13, 13. And now there remain faith, hope and charity, these three : but the greatest of
these is charity.   V. Now there remain faith, hope and charity, these three : but the greatest of
these is charity. And now there...

The following antiphons are never to be omitted.

8. Where charity and love are, there is God.
V. The love of Christ brings us together as one.
V. Rejoice and be glad in Him.
V. Let us fear and love the living God.
V. And let us love one another with a sincere heart.

Ant. Where charity and love are, there is God.

V. When, therefore, we are assembled together,
V. Let us take heed, that we be not divided in mind.
V. Let there be an end to bitterness and quarrels, an end to strife.
V. And let Christ, our God, be in our midst.

Ant. Where charity and love are, there is God.
And may we see with the blessed,
V. O Christ, our God, Thy face in glory.
V. With immense and pure joy,
V. Through endless ages of ages. Amen.