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Antiphon 7
As the procession enters the church, the
last antiphon is begun.
Antiphon 8.
AS the Lord entered the holy city, the
Hebrew children proclaimed the resurrection of life.
Waving palm-branches, they cried, Hosanna in the highest.
Hearing that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem, the people ran out to meet Him.
Waving their
palm-branches, they cried out, Hosanna in the highest !
After the procession the priest says :
V. The Lord be with
R. And with thy spirit.
Let us pray. O Lord Jesus Christ, in whose honor we have borne
these palms in joyous procession :
mercifully grant that where soever they shall be placed, Thy blessing may
descend and protect all
whom Thou hast redeemed against the guiles and assaults of evil spirits. Who