Composuit fines tuos in
pace, * medulla tritici  satiat te.
Emittit eloquium suum in terram, * velociter  currit verbum ejus.
Dat nivem sicut lanam,* pruinam sicut cinerem spargit.
Proicit glaciem suam ut
frustula panis; *coram frigore ejus aquae: rigescunt.
Emittit verbum suum et liquefacit eas; * flare jubet ventum suum et fluunt aquae.
Annuntiavit verbum su­
um Jacob,* statuta et praecepta sua Israel.
Non fecit ita ulli nationi : * praecepta sua
non manifestavit eis.
Who hath placed peace
in thy borders : and filleth thee with the fat of corn.
Who sendeth forth His
speech to the earth : His word runneth swiftly.
Who giveth snow like
wool : scattereth mists like ashes.
He sendeth His crystal
like morsels : who shall stand before the face of His
He shall send out His
word, and shall melt them : His wind shall blow, and
the waters shall run.
Who declareth His word
to Jacob : His justices and His judgments to Israel.
He hath not done in like manner to every nation : and His judgments He hath not made manifest to
Glory be...

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                                                                         PALM SUNDAY - PROCESSION                   




















Antiphon 5 : All praise is repeated.
    Antiphon 6.

FULGENTIBUS palmis pro­      THE Lord is coming :let
sternirour advenienti                  us wave our palms
Domino : huic omnes oc­        and bow down. Let us all
curramus cum hymnis et          go to meet Him, singing our

canticis, glorificantes et di­     canticles, glorifying Him :
centes : « Benedictus Do­          Blessed is the Lord.


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