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Coetus in excelsis te laudat      Thy praise in heav'n the
coelicus omnis. Et mortalis               angelic host sings;
homo, et cuncta creata
            On earth mankind, with
simul.                                   all
created things.

Gloria, laus ...                    R. Glory and praise...

Plebs Hebraea tibi cum            Thee once with palms the
   palmis obvia venit
: Cum            Jews went forth to meet :
prece, voto, hymnis, adsu
-            Thee now with prayers
mus ecce tibi.                     
and holy hymns we greet.

Gloria, laus ...                   R. Glory and praise ..                                               

                              Hi tibi passuro solve­                 Thee, on Thy way to die,           
   bant munia laudis : Nos tibi          they crowned with praise;
regnanti pangimus ecce me­            To Thee, now King on
     los.                                    high, our song we raise.

                                                    R. Gloria, laus...                      R.Glory and praise...

                                                      Hi placuere tibi; placeat             Thee their poor homage
                                                      devotio nostra : Rex bone,          pleas'd, O gracious King!
                                                      Rex clemens, cui bona cun-          Ours too accept, the
                                                      cta placent.                          best that we can bring.
                                                      R. Gloria, laus...                     R. Glory and praise...

     Antiphon 5

                                                         ALL praise Thy Name, and say, Blessed is He That
                                                      cometh in the Name of the Lord : Hosanna in the highest.

                                                            Psalm 147.

                                                        LAUDA, Jerusalem, Do-           PRAISE the Lord, O Jeru­
                                                        minum, * lauda Deum
              salem: praise thy God,
                                                        tuum, Sion,                         O Sion.
                                                        Quod firmavit seras por-           Because He hath strength­
                                                        tarum tuarum, * benedixit          ened the bolts of thy gates,
                                                        filiis tuis in te.                      He hath blessed thy children

within thee.