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Antiphon 2.

LET us join in faith with the angels and children, singing to the conqueror of death, Hosanna
in the

Antiphon 3.

A GREAT multitude that gathered for the festival, cried out to the Lord : Blessed is He That cometh
in the Name of the Lord: Hosanna in the highest!

Antiphon 4.

THE whole multitude coming down from the mountain began with joy to praise God with a loud voice,
for all the mighty works they had seen, saying, Blessed
be the King who cometh in the Name of the Lord; peace in heaven, and glory in the highest.

During the procession the following hymn is sung, the people repeating Gloria laus.

Hymn to Christ the King.

                                                                                              GLORIA, laus et honor        GLORY and praise to
                                                            tibi sit, Rex Christe,     
    Thee, the Redeemer
                                                            Redemptor : Cui puerile
                  To Whom children poured
                                                            decus prompsit Hosanna                    their glad hosannas.

                                                            V. Gloria, laus ...                                            R. Glory and praise ...

                                                            Israel es tu Rex, Davidis      Hail, Israel's King; hail,
                                                            et inclyta proles : Nomine     David's Son confessed!

                                                            qui in Domini Rex bene-        Who comest in the Name
                                                            dicte, venis.                    of Israel's Lord.
                                                            R. Gloria, laus...             
 R. Glory and praise ...