Et superni membra Regis

Tende miti stipite.

Dulce lignum...

Sola digna tu fuisti Ferre mundi victimam : Atque portum praeparare Arca mundo naufrago :
Quem sacer cruor perunxit, Fusus Agni corpore.

Crux fidelis ...
Sempiterna sit beatae Trinitati gloria :
AEqua Patti, Filioque :

Par decus Paraclito : Unius, Trinique nomen

Laudet universitas. Amen.

Dulce lignum...
Gently, gently bear the members
Of thy dying King and

Sweet the wood ...

Tree which solely wast found worthy
Earth's great victim to sustain,
Harbor from the raging tempest,
Ark, that saved the world
Tree with sacred blood
Of the Lamb, for sinners

Faithful cross...

Honor, blessing everlasting
To the immortal Deity : To the Father, Son and
Praise be paid co-equally:
Glory through the earth and
To Trinity and Unity. Amen.

Sweet the wood ...

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