Lustra sex qui jam peregit,
Tempus implens corporis,
Sponte libera Redemptor Passioni deditus,
Agnus in crucis levatur
Immolandus stipite.

Dulce lignum...

Felle potus ecce languet Spina, clavi, lancea;
Mite corpus perforarunt, Unda manat, et cruor :
Terra, pontus, astra, mundus,
Quo lavantur flumine.

Crux fidelis...

Flecte ramos, arbor alta, Tensa laxa viscera,
Et rigor lentescat ille,
Quem dedit nativitas :

Thus did Christ, to perfect manhood,
In our mortal flesh attain,
Then of His free choice He
To a death of bitter pain;
And as a lamb, upon the
Of the cross for us is slain.

Sweet the wood ...

Lo, with gall His thirst He quenches :
See the thorns upon His
Nails His tender flesh are rending;
See, His side is opened now,
Whence to cleanse the whole creation,
Streams of blood and water

Faithful cross...

Lofty Tree, bend down thy branches
To embrace thy sacred load;
Oh, relax the native tension
Of that all too rigid wood :

   Page 99        

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