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7. Have I deliberately neglected easy opportunities for prayer and devotion which would have made
me stronger in virtue?

8. Have I neglected prayer entirely for days at a time?

9. Have I given in to unreasonable fear of death and of God's judgment?

10. Have I said that I was content to avoid hell, but would not try to avoid or shorten my

11. Have I been slothful about trying to acquire the habit of praying in serious temptation?

12. Have I neglected practicing any devotion to the Mother of God, though saints and theologians
tell us her help is morally necessary for all?

13. Have I neglected rece1vmg the Sacraments of Penance and Holy Communion only because I could not
feel any profit from them?

14. Have I given up prayer when prayer seemed difficult and uninviting?

15. Have I become so preoccupied working for money or a reputation, or my family, that I did not
give myself time to pray or think of doing anything for heaven?


1. Have I prayed for the grace of a firmer and stronger hope of eternal happiness?

2. Have I read or meditated about the happiness that God has in store for those who are faithful
to Him?
3. Have I tried to increase my hope of
heaven by thinking now and then of the pains of hell, and determining to escape them?

4. Have I strengthened my hope of God's help by gazing at or thinking of the crucifix, which
reminds us that, since Christ died for us, there is nothing we need that He will refuse us?

5. Have I prayed every morning and evening and during the day, knowing that every prayer would be
heard and would make easier my salvation?

6. Have I frequently received Holy Communion, which is called the pledge of immortality?

7. Have I willingly accepted sorrows and trials as reminders that we must suffer on earth to earn

8. Have I practiced daily devotion to the Mother of God, with childlike confidence that she would
help me?

9. Have I trusted in God's grace and at the same time determined to work for my salvation as if
it depended on my efforts alone?

10. After a fault, have I joined an act of sorrow to an act of hope that God would give me the
grace not to fall again?

EJACULATORY PRAYER: Sacred Heart of Jesus, I trust in Thee. (300 days indulgence.) [195]

PRAYER: O Lord Jesus Christ, Redeemer of the world, Thou who didst ask faith and confidence from
all the sick and sore distressed and didst grant to each one according to his faith, grant me the
grace of an unshakable hope and confidence in Thee. Let me remember that since Thou didst die for me,
remember that since Thou didst die for me,

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