Page 8         

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4. Have I committed a mortal sin just because I expected God to forgive me in confession

5. Have I said or thought that prayer was not necessary for one who made up his mind to be good?

6. Have I neglected saying any prayer whatsoever for as long as a month at a time?

7. Have I refused to pray in a grave temptation because I did not want God to help me overcome it?

8. Have I deliberately entered a serious and unnecessary occasion of sin, thinking that God would
miraculously preserve me from sin or graciously forgive me if I fell?

9. Have I induced others to commit a sin by telling them that God would forgive them afterward?

10. Have I said that I did not believe in eternal hell?

11. Have I said or thought that it was impossible for me to overcome a certain passion or sinful

12. Have I believed that because my sins in the past were so numerous or so terrible, I could not
expect God to forgive me?

13. Have I quit going to Mass or praying because of the thought, "It doesn't do any good"?

14. Have I seriously complained that God sent me more trials than it was possible for me to bear?

15. Have I stopped praying for the grace to avoid sin and save my soul because God did not grant
me a certain material favor for
not grant me a certain material favor for which I prayed?

16. Have I given up trying to overcome interior temptation because God would not take the
temptation away?

17. Have I encouraged others to commit sins of impurity because "they could not stop committing
them anyway"?

18. Have I used poverty as a reason for committing certain serious sins, because I did not believe
that God could give me any material aid?

19. Have I scoffed at the joys of heaven, saying I would prefer to have heaven here on earth?


1. Have I brooded over my past sins, giving in half-voluntarily to the fear that they might not be

2. Have I permitted discouragement to take possession of my heart because of my frequent faults or
my lack of progress in virtue?

3. Have I permitted myself to worry excessively over material setbacks and
difficulties, as if God did not know them and could not help me?

4. Have I been morose, melancholy, gloomy, in the presence of others, thus making them
uncomfortable and unhappy?

5. Have I been overanxious in regard to my health, over fearful lest some terrible disease might be

6. Have I complained against God for not preventing the sins of others which injured me in some way?

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