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there is no good thing Thou wilt ever deny me
if only I trust in Thee always. Relying on Thy
merits and the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary I firmly hope for the pardon of my sins, the
help of Thy grace, and life everlasting. In difficulties, in desolations, in
anxieties and trials, make me content to be deprived of all human help and consolation and to be
dependent wholly on Thee. Make me remember my weakness and distrust myself so that I shall ever
seek Thy help in prayer. Help me to learn that nothing in life is worth possessing if the cost
means separation from Thee. Permit me, in the hour of death, to say with all the confidence of Thy
saints and martyrs: ''In Thee, O Lord, have I hoped; I shall not be confounded forever."


The love of God is the highest and strictest obligation binding on all men. No one should ever
forget the answer of Christ to the question: "Which is the first and greatest commandment of
the law?" His words were simple, direct, forceful: ''Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with thy
whole heart and with thy whole soul, with thy whole mind and with all thy strength.' Without the
fulfillment of this law, therefore, all striving for other virtues and qualities would be without profit.

Every sin ever committed is an action contrary to the love of God. But in this examination of
conscience, only those sins and faults shall be included which in some way involve a direct
slighting of the person of God or of His authority, or a breaking of those commands which are
specifically directed towards the maintenance and strengthening of the love of God in the soul, or
an expression of disregard or contempt or hatred of God. An exception shall be made here: all sins
committed in speech against God shall be reserved for the examination of next month - on Reverence
for God. Of course, the love of God as expressed in love of neighbor shall be reserved for
later treatment.

The love of God is the infused theological virtue by which we love God above all other things
because of His infinite perfection and lovableness, and manifest that love in thought,
word and deed. (Let it be noted again that the love of neighbor is really a part of the love
of God, because it has the same motive, namely, God Himself, in whom all one's neighbors are to be
loved. This will be shown in the examination on the love of neighbor.) The love of God
forbids, in general, the neglect of duties and obligations that spring from love, as well as
the misuse or degrading of things given by God or dedicated to Him.


1. Have I neglected to fulfill the precept of going to confession at least once a year?

2. Have I failed to observe the law which commands me to receive Holy Communion during the Paschal

3. Have I missed Mass on a Sunday or a holyday without a sufficient reason?

4. Have I, as a mother or father or guardian, caused or permitted my children who are above the
age of reason, to miss Mass on Sundays or holydays of obligation?

5. Have I induced others to miss Mass on Sundays, or approved of their so doing?

6. Have I without reason come late to Mass, missing the Offertory, or have I left before the
Communion of the Mass?

 7. Have I tried to do serious bodily injury to any person consecrated to God?

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