Page 33         

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20. Have selfishly interfered with the vocation of a son or daughter when God seemed to be
calling them to marriage or to a religious vocation and I had no serious reason for refusing to let
them go?

21. Have I, as a pupil in school, seriously undermined the authority and harmed the work of my
teacher by slander, rebellion, etc.,?

22. Have I, as a teacher, seriously neglected my duties by failing to prepare myself in any way for
my classes, by not teaching subjects I was hired to teach, etc.,?

23. Have I, as an employee, failed to a grave degree in carrying out commands of an
employer for which I was hired, or fomented rebellion
and disobedience and sabotage among others?

24. Have I, as am employer, been seriously unjust, to one or many of my employees, by driving
them tyrannically, by demanding more than human nature could do, by allowing inhuman working


1. Have I failed to show love and gratitude to my parents, either by neglecting opportunities to
do so, or by positively hurting them in small ways?

2. Have I failed in the respect due my parents, by laughing at them, being openly ashamed of
them, talking harshly or angrily to them, saying unkind things about them?

3. Have I disobeyed my parents in small things that they commanded or forbade?

4. Have I lied to my parents to avoid a reprimand or punishment?

5. Have I been stubborn and peevish and openly resentful against parents?

6. Have I neglected to ask or take advice from parents in matters in which their
knowledge and experience are meant to guide me?

7. Have I selfishly refused to make life more comfortable and enjoyable for my parents when I could
have done so?

8. Have I, in my own mature years, left my parents alone, seldom visiting them, seldom showing any
gratitude or love?

9. As a parent, have I slothfully neglected the lesser duties I owed to my children, such as taking
an interest in their school work, explaining difficult religious matters to them, encouraging
extra habits of piety?

10. Have I given bad example to my children in venial matters, by anger, gossip, lying, etc.?

11. Have I failed to cooperate with teachers of my children by criticizing them to the children,
countermanding some of their orders, etc.?

12. Have I, as a pupil in school, been disrespectful and disobedient to teachers?

13. Have I, as a teacher, given bad example to pupils, or failed to prepare well for my
classes, or to fulfill minor obligations assumed?

14. Have I, as an employee, been disobedient to just orders given by my employer, thus causing
slight losses?

15. Have I, as an employer, given way to anger, partiality, unfairness in dealing with my employees?

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