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16. Have I, as a citizen, disregarded laws
made for the safety and well- being of all, or ridiculed those in authority who made the


1. Have I convinced myself of the truth that all valid authority comes from God, and that obedience
to such authority is obedience to God?

2. As a son or daughter, have I ever reflected on the gratitude I owe to parents, which is the
basis of the love, respect and obedience I owe them?

3. Have I trained myself to overlook the human faults in those who hold authority, remembering
that these faults do not remove my obligation of obedience to all just commands?

4. Have I meditated on what chaos would engulf the world if there were no obedience, and on how
much misery has already been caused by rebellion against authority?

5. Have I realized the old Scriptural principle that obedience to parents in youth is the surest
means of gaining loyal obedience from others when I may be placed in authority?

6. Have I meditated on the example of Christ, who became man out of obedience and who was obedient
to all lawful authority even unto His death?

ASPIRATION: All for Thee, most Sacred Heart of Jesus! (300 days indulgence.) [203]


PRAYER: O Jesus, my Saviour, Thou didst say on entering the world: "I am come to do Thy will, O
God," and didst fulfill Thy promise by becoming obedient even unto the death of the cross- O, do
Thou teach me to be obedient in
all things like unto Thee. In the past I have
often rebelled against those who represent Thy own authority; permit me now by Thy grace to rebel
no longer. Thou didst obey Mary and Joseph at Nazareth, and all Thy
civil and religious rulers. Let me see in my own superiors the same divine authority Thou didst
obey, no matter what human defects Thy representatives may possess. And if Thou wiliest that I
should have authority over others in any sphere, grant that I may exercise that authority with
the same gentleness, meekness, kindness and charity that were always present in Thee. O Mary, who
didst say to the angel who represented God: "Be it done unto me according to thy word, '' let me
echo thy beautiful submission whenever God's will is made known to me through my superiors.

The Lord hath given Him power and honor and a kingdom; and all peoples, tribes and tongues shall
serve Him. The nation and kingdom that will not serve Thee shall perish; the nations shall be laid
waste as a desert.
- Lauds (Festival of Christ the King)


Meekness is the virtue that enables one to overcome the tendencies of anger, revenge, hatred and
enmity. Many of its manifestations have already been listed under the heading of charity,
because the principal incentives to anger come from the words or actions of a fellow human
being. Thus meekness presupposes the virtue of charity or love of neighbor, which provides the
motives and the means of overlooking insult, injustice and in­
jury, real or imaginary, from others.

The vice of anger, to which meekness is opposed is responsible for very much of the

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