Page 32         

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1. Have I deliberately given in to hatred of my mother or my father, refusing to speak to them over
a considerable period of time?

2. Have I deliberately wished serious harm to my parents, e.g., that they would die so that I might
possess their goods?

3. Have I habitually treated my parents harshly, speaking contemptuously to them or of them,
ridiculing them, cursing them, causing them severe pain and sorrow?

4. Have I refused to relieve the serious needs of my parents when I was able to do so, leaving them
dependent on strangers for necessary food, clothing, or without medical care in sickness and danger
of death?

5. Have I done nothing to insure spiritual care for my mother or father when it was needed,
neglecting to provide for their receiving the Sacraments in danger of death?

6. Have I, as a lawyer or politician or influential business man, used my power to break down or
render useless just laws of the state made for the welfare of all?

7. Have I purposely struck my mother or father in resentment or deliberate bad will?

8. Have I disobeyed parents when they for­ bade my going with bad companions, or to bad shows and
dangerous places?

9. Have I, as an official of the state, seriously failed in my duty by accepting bribes, per­
mitting corruption, letting criminals off, etc.?

10. Have I, as a parishioner, fomented rebellion and disobedience among the people of a parish,
by slander, conspiracy, etc., against my pastor?

11. Have I upset the home of my parents by
frequently disobeying the rules they had a right to make - concerning the persons to be brought
into the house, concerning the hours I kept at night, concerning decent conduct within the home?

12. Have I, when earning money while living under the parental roof or while still subject to
parents, refused to give them part of my earnings when they needed it or demanded it?

13. Have I, as a parent, given in to deliberate hatred of a son or daughter, by continual
mistreatment, cursing, driving them out of my home without a serious reason?

14. Have I failed entirely to teach and discipline my children in serious matters such as morality
and religion?

15. Have I, with deliberate and grave carelessness, endangered the life of a child, either by
seriously dangerous conduct before birth, or by neglect of proper attention through the years of

16. Have I failed to have my child baptized at least within two weeks or thereabouts after birth,
when there was no serious obstacle to so doing?

17. Have I given serious bad example to my children, by cursing in their presence, by serious
quarreling, by impure talk, by neglecting serious religious obligations?

18. Have I failed to correct and punish my children for serious wrongs, or to forbid them to enter
serious occasions of sin?

19. Have I refused to send my children to a Catholic school when I could have done so and had no
permission from bishop or pastor to do otherwise?

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