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made known : when the years shall draw nigh, Thou shalt be known : when the time shall come, Thou
shalt be manifested.  V. When my soul shall be in trouble, Thou wilt remember mercy, even in Thy
wrath.  V. God will come from Libanus, and the Holy One from the shady and thickly covered mountain.
V. His majesty covered the heavens : and the earth is full of His praise.

The priest says :

Let us pray. V. Let us kneel. V. Arise.
Prayer : O God, from Whom Judas ..., p. 64.

2nd Lesson. Exodus 12, 1-11. In those days, the Lord said to Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt,
This month shall be to you the beginning of months : it shall be the first of the months in the
year. Speak ye to the whole assembly of the children of Israel, and say to them, On the tenth day of
this month, let every man take a lamb by their families and houses. But if the number be less than
may suffice to eat the lamb, he shall take unto him his neighbor that joineth to his house
according to the number of souls which may be enough to eat the lamb. And it shall be a lamb
without blemish, a male, of one year : according to which rite also you shall take a kid. And you
shall keep it until the fourteenth day of this month : and the whole multitude of the children of
Israel shall sacrifice it in the evening. And they shall take of the blood thereof, and put it upon
both the side­ posts, and on the upper door-posts of the houses, wherein they shall eat it. And
they shall eat the flesh that night, roasted at the fire : and unleavened bread with wild lettuce.
You shall not eat thereof anything raw, nor boiled in water, but only roasted at the fire. You
shall eat the head with the feet and entrails thereof. Neither shall there remain anything of it
until morning. If there