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Hear, O Lord, my prayer : and let my cry come to thee.
 In the Name ...
Kyrie p. 8.
Gloria is omitted.

Let us pray. V. Let us kneel. R. Arise.

Prayer. Grant, we pray Thee, almighty God, that we who are continually afflicted through our
excesses, may be delivered by the sufferings of Thy only begotten Son. Who with Thee...

Lesson. Isa. 62, 11; 63, 1-7. This is the message of the Lord God, Behold the Lord hath made it to
be heard in the ends of the earth. Tell the daughter of Sion : Behold thy Savior cometh. Behold His
reward is with Him and His work before Him. Who is This That cometh from Edom, with dyed garments from
Bosra, this beautiful one in His robe, walking in the greatness of His strength? I, that speak
justice and am a defender to save. Why then is Thy apparel red, and Thy garments like theirs that
tread in the winepress? I have trodden the winepress alone : and of the Gentiles there is not a
man with Me. I have trampled on them in My indignation and have trodden them down in My wrath.
And their blood is sprinkled upon My garments : and I have stained all My apparel. For, the day of
vengeance is in My heart : the year of my redemption is come. I looked about, and there was none to
help : I sought, and there was none to give aid. And My own arm hath saved for Me : and my
indignation itself hath helped me. And I have trodden down the people in my wrath and have made
them drunk in my indignation : and have brought down their strength to the earth. I will remember
the tender mercies of the Lord for all the things that the Lord hath bestowed upon us.

R. Thanks be to God.