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Priest : Do you believe in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord, Who was born into this world,
suffered and died?
People : We do believe.

Priest : Do you believe in the Holy Ghost, the Holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints, the
forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body and life everlasting?
People : We do believe.

Priest : Now let us together pray to God as our Lord Jesus Christ has taught us to pray.
People : Our Father Who art in heaven...

Priest : And may the almighty God, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who has caused us to be born
again through water and the Holy Spirit, Who has granted us remission of our sins, keep us by His
grace in the same Christ Jesus, our Lord, unto eternal life.
People : Amen.

The second Part of the Litany of the Saints.

The choir continue the litany.

Be merciful, spare us, O      Through the mystery of
Lord.                         Thy holy Incarnation,
                          Be merciful
graciously hear       Through thy Coming                                                  
                                            us, 0 Lord. 
                   Through thy Nativity,                                
From all evil,
deliver us, O     Through Thy Baptism and
holy fasting,                                                   
             From all sin, *                 Through Thy Cross and               
  From everlasting death,         Passion,                   
*deliver us, O Lord.