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The Renewal of Baptismal Promises.

During this holy night, dearly beloved brethren, our holy mother, the Church, recalling the death
and burial of our Lord Jesus Christ, keeps vigil in grateful return for His love and celebrates
His glorious resurrection with joy abounding.

Now, since as the Apostle teaches, we are buried together with Christ through Baptism unto
death, there­ fore as Christ has risen from the death so, too, we also must lead a new life. We
know that the old man in us has been crucified with Christ in order that we may no longer be the
slaves of sin. Let us recognise ourselves, therefore, as dead to sin and as living for God in
Christ Jesus, our Lord.

For this reason, dearly beloved brethren, now after the exercises of Lent we renew the promises of
our holy Baptism. By these promises we have in the past renounced Satan and his works and also the
world which is the enemy of God, and we have promised to serve God faithfully in the Holy Catholic
Church. There­ fore:

Priest : Do you renounce Satan?
People : We do renounce him.
Priest : And all his works?
People : We do renounce them.
Priest : And all his pomps ?
People: We do renounce them.
Priest : Do you believe in God, Father almighty, Creator of heaven and earth ?
People : We do believe.