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or by stubbornness and disrespectful language to those who had a right to command me?

10. Have I neglected daily prayer as if I were strong enough and good enough to get long
without God's help?


1. Have I realized that humility is the foundation of all other virtues because it keeps me
mindful of my complete dependence on God and the need I have of perfectly accepting
and accomplishing His will?

2. Have I learned to detest pride as the cause of all sin, the reason for the creation of hell,
and the source of all the evil in the world?

3. Have I a consciousness of the just deserts of my sins - so that I am ready to accept
any trial or hardship from God to atone for those sins?

4 . Am I convinced how foolish it would be to set up my judgment and my little knowledge against
the teachings of Christ and of His Church, and against God's knowledge of the past, present and

5. Do I meditate often on the humility of Christ, who emptied Himself of all honor and
became a servant to show me what I must be in eyes of God?

6. Have I adopted this as one of my favorite prayers: "O Jesus, meek and humble of heart, make my
heart like unto Thine"?

ASPIRATION: Jesus, meek and humble of heart, make my heart like unto Thine. (500 days indulgence.) [196]

PRAYER: My Lord Jesus Christ, who, though Thou was the Creator and Master of the universe, didst
humble Thyself and become a servant to redeem the world, help me to understand that humility is
necessary for every other virtue I desire to possess. Thou dost resist the proud and give Thy grace
only to the humble. I, therefore, renounce the pride that has caused me to offend Thee so often in
the past, that has made me place myself above Thee, the Sovereign Lord of all. Let me prove my
humility by accepting cheerfully every humiliation I receive from others; by submitting
unreservedly to Thy commands and the authority of Thy Church; by seeking no honor and no
recognition from the world, but only Thy approbation and Thy reward. O Mary, whose humility was so
pleasing to the Most High, obtain for me the grace to renounce all self -will in complete
surrender to God.

My hand made all these things, and all these things were made, saith the Lord. But to whom shall
I have respect, but to him that is poor and little, and of a contrite spirit, and that trembleth
at my words.
-Isaias 66:2

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