Page 38         

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5. Have I shown my independence of God by missing Mass on Sunday without a reason,
by eating meat on abstinence days, refusing to fast on days appointed, etc.?

6. Have I practically expressed the conviction that I know more than God and His Church by
refusing to send my children to a Catholic school, or by saying that I do not believe a Catholic
education is necessary for a Catholic child?

7. Have I drawn others into sins of impurity on the ground that God's law in this matter is
old-fashioned, impossible, unimportant, or harmful?

8. Have I practiced any form of preventing conception in marriage because I maintained that God's
law could not be kept, or, if kept, would result in too much hardship?

9. Have I refused to forgive someone who wronged me because I considered my honor a more valuable
thing than that of God, who forgave His enemies and commanded me to forgive mine?

10. Have I slandered others because I thought revenge against them was necessary for my honor even
though it is forbidden by God?
11. Have I used unjust methods in business because I deemed it more important for me to make money
and "to get ahead" than to be obedient to God?

12. Have I used sinful means to attain social or political power because I would rather be above my
fellow human beings than subject to God?

13. Have I rebelled against superiors and the serious commands they gave because I thought my
knowledge and dignity freed me from the necessity of obedience?

14. Have I failed to confess certain mortal
sins I had committed because I said they were "my own affair," that "they were no business of the
priest," that "I could get along without God's forgiveness"?

15. Have I maintained, either in word or action, that it is unnecessary for a man to pray?


1. Have I been guilty of the form of pride called vanity, by considering myself more intelligent,
more learned, more handsome, even more charitable than others.?

2. Have I bragged about my accomplishments, my virtues, my abilities?

3. Have I given in to anger against others because I thought myself better than they were, and that
they should know better than to cross me?

4. Have I shown my pride in the form of sensitiveness, resentment, pouting, peevishness?

5. Have I talked about the faults of others, as if to say: "I have no faults at all"?

6. Have I complained about God's providence in permitting me certain trials, as if I were
deserving of better treatment from Him?

7. Have I looked down on others who were less wealthy, less cultured, less learned, less prominent,
less gifted than I?

8. Have I been too proud to take second place in any work or activity, withdrawing from it or
hindering it because I could not be first?

9. Have I Shown My Pride in constant disobedience to my superiors in small things,

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