Page 26         

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Misunderstanding arises in the minds of
some by the oft-quoted principle: In matters of chastity there is no lightness of matter; every sin
is a grave sin. This is true, it must be known, in regard to all direct and volun­
tary desires and indulgences in sex-pleasure outside of marriage or contrary to the purpose of
sex. Nevertheless, some sins against chastity may be venial because of lack of full consent of the
will, or because of lack of full deliberation, or because an action, such as a momentary indecent
glance, or a passing thought, could not be called gravely inducive to sinful consent.

Self-examination on the virtue of chastity must keep these fundamental principles in view.


1. Have I deliberately taken delight in impure thoughts and images in my mind after I recognized
them to be evil?

2. Have I knowingly consented to a desire for impure experiences, without any effort to suppress
the desire?

3. Have I taken part in impure conversation for the express purpose of giving others bad thoughts
or with the realization that they would probably consent to bad thoughts?

4. Have I gone out of my way to hear impure conversation or taken sinful pleasure in it when I
heard it?

5. Have I read obscene books or looked at obscene pictures after I knew that they would cause
serious temptations to sins of impurity?

6. Have I gone to places where I knew the entertainment was lewd and immoral, or at­
tended obscene stage shows or movies?

7. Have I touched others impurely, or taken part in prolonged and intense kisses and ernbraces?

8. Have I caused or consented to solitary lust?

9. Have I taken part in sins of lust with others, and were they married or single, of the same sex
or the opposite sex?

10. Have I sinned with someone related to me by blood or affinity?

11. Have I added sacrilege to the sin of impurity by desiring, or attempting, or consenting to
sin with a person consecrated to God?

12. Have I made animals a means or an occasion of seriously sinful actions?

13. Have I forced another to submit to my lustful actions?

14. Have I encouraged others to sin against purity or told them that they could not avoid it?

15. Have I exposed others to grave danger by impure signs, actions or exposure?

16. (FOR MARRIED PERSONS) Have I used con­
traceptive means whether natural (such as interruption) or artificial (such as instruments) in
performing marriage duties?

17. Have I, without a good reason, refused or neglected to render the marriage obligation when
seriously asked?

18. Have I, as a married person, committed sins of impurity with others, and were they married or

19. Have I failed to correct or train my children in regard to chastity when it was evident that
there was need of such correction or training?

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