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or temporal, to a neighbor. In the following
exam the positive duties will be enumerated; in the next chapter, the questions will be based on
the sins that must be avoided by one who wishes to practice true love of neighbor.


1. Have I, over a long period, refused to give any alms for the relief of the needy, even though I
had many opportunities and sufficient means without depriving myself or my family of the
necessities of life?

2. Have I, on un -Christian principles, refused to give any aid to missionaries working for the
salvation of abandoned souls, though I could have given without great sacrifice?

3. As a doctor or a nurse, have I refused to give my needed services to someone in extreme danger
of death because I knew there was no hope of being paid?

4. Have I demanded gravely exorbitant and unreasonable fees from those who needed my services?

5. Have I deliberately permitted a person to die without a priest and without religious

6. Have I, out of human respect or fear of what others might think, failed to assist the dying
spiritually when I knew they needed my help?

7. Have I squandered or given away money outside my home to the extent that it left my immediate
family in want of necessary things?
8. Have I refused to remind someone of the danger of his state when I knew that that person had
committed a mortal sin and that my warning alone would probably awaken repentance?

9. Have I refused to warn someone subject to my influence when I knew that person was
about to commit a mortal sin and that I could easily and probably prevent it?

10. As a husband or wife have I made no effort to prevent mortal sins of my partner?

11. As a superior or one in authority have I neglected my duty of preventing those in my charge
from committing mortal sin, or correcting them after they had fallen?

12. Have I failed to report to someone in authority the certain sins of a neighbor , which I knew
were doing harm to innocent persons or to the community as a whole?

13. Have I done nothing to prevent the circulation of obscene books and magazines when I had the

14. As a public official, have I permitted evil persons, such as abortionists, dope­ peddlers,
obscene book-dealers to continue their illegal and immoral practices?

15. Have I permitted another to suffer grave injustice or mistreatment when my authority or
influence could have prevented it?

16. Have I refused in my heart to forgive a person who has injured me?

17. Have I over a considerable period of time refused to talk to or acknowledge someone who has
wronged me?

18. When I myself was guilty of doing evil against my neighbor, have I refused in word or in deed
to show that I was sorry and wished to be forgiven?

19. When mutual offense was given between myself and another, have I refused

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