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7. In temptations to anger and
impatience, when I am inclined to use bad language, do I try to say
an interior prayer for patience?
8. Have I learned any ejaculatory prayers, by which I might frequently speak
lovingly to God
during the day?
9. Have I ever meditated on the folly of any misuse of God's name, because of
His greatness and
majesty, and because of His goodness to me?
10. Have I shown my displeasure to others when they were constantly misusing
God's name?
11. Have I tried to instill in those under my care a deep respect for and love
of God, which would
prevent them from ever using His name in vain?
12. Have I, in every morning prayer, renewed my resolution not to misuse God's
13. Have I, when saying my evening prayers, made an act of sorrow for every sin
of speech against
ASPIRATION: Blessed be the name of God. (500 days indulgence if said devoutly
on hearing a
blasphemy.) [8]
PRAYER: My Lord and Saviour, who was reviled by the chief-priests, falsely
accused by criminals,
condemned by Pilate, mocked by the throngs and ridiculed by the soldiers who put
Thee to death, let
me atone by sorrow and
penance for all my sins and the sins of the world against Thy holy name. Teach
me to use the great
gift of speech Thou hast bestowed upon me to honor and praise Thee for the rest
of my life. Grant
me the power to silence unholy language on the lips of others, and to teach
those dependent upon me
the reverent and holy use of Thy name. With all the mountains and hills I praise
with all the seas and rivers I glorify Thee; with all the plants and
animals I honor Thee as Lord and Master. May the heavens and earth be filled
with Thy Glory; and may the lips of all men be taught to acclaim Thy goodness,
Thy mercy, and Thy
To the King of ages, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for
ever and ever. Amen.
- I Timothy 1:17
(Positive obligations)
The love of one's neighbor is essentially
bound up with the love of God. St. John put the matter simply when he said: "If
any man say that
he loves God and hateth his neighbor, that man is a liar and the truth is not in
him.' This
stands to reason when one considers that God, whom we are bound to love first
and foremost and with
all our hearts and souls, loves every human being whom He created and desires
his salvation. Hence
it would be a contradiction to profess love of God and at the same time to
exclude a
neighbor from our love.
The object of all love is the good of the one loved. The object of love of God
is the honor and
glory of God; the object of love of neighbor is the welfare of our fellowmen,
both spiritual and
temporal, and through that the honor and glory of God. Therefore the love of
neighbor imposes many
positive duties upon us, such as almsgiving, correction, forgiveness, etc., each
one of which is
directed towards the well-being and happiness of our neighbor; at the same time
it forbids certain
sins which would bring unhappiness, spiritual