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The Adoration of the Cross is the most characteristic part of the Good Friday Service. The
dispositions we should foster during the Adoration, are contrition and faith. The plaintive and
tender melody of the Reproaches will gently stir our hearts to sorrow for our share in the
Crucifixion, while the ringing strains of "O holy, immortal One, have mercy on us", will proclaim
our faith in the immortal power of the Crucified.

Holy Saturday gives to the laity a greater part to play, and the new notable changes will give
greater clarity to the symbolism. The blessing of the New Fire, the blessing of the Paschal Candle,
and the solemn Procession with the Candle culminating in the Pascal Proclamation ("Exultet"), will
bring to our minds Christ, the Light of the world.

During this Vigil, readings from Sacred Scripture reveal inner truths. For instance, the creation
of the world is linked up to the new creation by Baptism; the crossing of the Red Sea images forth
the safety through the waters of Baptism; the blessed life of the Messianic kingdom implies that
Jerusalem will be purified and the Lord will reign; the Testament of Moses is set as a warning to
the people of God to abide in loyalty to the Lord.

The first part of the Litany of the Saints now follows. It is interrupted in the middle
for the solemn blessing of baptismal water. All those present renew their baptismal vows. At
the end of the profession of faith by the whole congregation, the Litany will be resumed, the altar
will be prepared and the Mass will begin. Liturgically we have arrived at the end of the Night
Watch : it is the rise of the Easter Sun. The long Vigil is over : it is Easter!



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