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Now indeed we realise the worthiness of this column, a torch ablaze to the glory of God. Its flame
may be divided into parts yet is there no slackening of light, since the mother-bee supplied the
substance of the ever-melting wax for the making of this precious flame. O truly blessed night
which whilst despoiling the Egyptians, enriched the Hebrews! A night, in which are joined heavenly
with earthly and human with divine events. Pray we, therefore, O our God, that this candle which
has been blessed to the honoring of Thy holy Name, may continue to dispel the gloom of this
night's darkness, and as a choice fragrance mingle its light with those of heaven. May the morning
star find it yet a light, reminding us of that morning star which knows no setting, but that came
back from the grave to shed its gracious light upon man­ kind. Wherefore, O Lord, we beseech Thee
that we and all Thy clergy and faithful together with our most blessed Pope N. and our Bishop N.
may enjoy peace in our time, and that Thou wilt deign to rule, govern and keep them through these
days of our Easter joy. Have regard, also, to all who bear rule over us; endue them with the
ineffable gifts of Thy fatherly love and pity, and guide their thoughts to justice and peace, so
that they with all Thy people may endure through earthly toil to their heavenly home. Through the
same Jesus Christ, Thy Son, our Lord, Who liveth ... R. Amen.

The Lessons.

They give a short account of God's dealings with His
people before Christ came.

First Lesson. Gen. 1, 1-31; 2, 1-2. In the beginning God created heaven, and earth. And the earth
was void and empty, and darkness was upon the face of the deep.