Page 5         

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5. Have I neglected to settle, by reading, studying, consulting, etc., serious doubts about my
faith, when such neglect was evidently leading to a loss of faith?

6. Have I, without the necessary permission, read or kept or given to others forbidden books,
such as Protestant Bibles, books on the Index of Prohibited Publications, books that pretend or
profess to disprove the truth of the Catholic faith or that profess to prove the truth of a
religion contrary to my faith?

7. Have I, without a serious reason, associated with persons who tried to destroy my faith?

8. Have I attended meetings or listened to speeches or sermons which I knew would destroy or
seriously weaken my faith?

9. Have I joined a secret society forbidden by the laws of the Church, such as the Masons, the
Odd fellows, etc?

10. Have I taken part in a Protestant church service?
11. Have I contributed to the advancement of a non-Catholic religious sect or movement as such?

12. Have I consulted a fortune-teller in the serious belief that I could learn something about the
future, or made others think that I could tell their future when I knew that there was no adequate
natural means of doing so?

13. Have I attended a spiritualistic seance?

14. Have I planned to marry, or actually pretended to enter the state of marriage,
before a minister, or a judge, or a civil
magistrate? Have I approved of other Catholics doing this or stood up for them when they did it?

15. Have I, without the necessary permission or reason, sent my children to a non­ Catholic
grade school, or approved of other Catholics doing so? Or without serious reason approved by the
diocesan authorities, to a non-Catholic high school or university? Or have I done these things
without making any provision to safeguard the faith of my children?


1. Have I been irreverent in church and before the Blessed Sacrament?

2. Have I disturbed and distracted others in their prayers and devotions?

3. Have I kept others from prayer or devotions for some selfish reason?

4. Have I carefully avoided giving any sign that I was a Catholic because I might have been
subjected to some ridicule if I did?

5. Have I read only such books and magazines as might be called dangerous, even though they are not
strictly forbidden, e.g., books giving false and worldly views of life, novels that are frothy and
barren of any principle?

6. Have I seldom, if ever, made an explicit act of faith?

7. Have I been slow in trying to banish or
overcome doubts against faith?

8. Have I been careless and half-hearted in teaching my children to love their faith and
to make acts of faith?

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