Page 23         

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money or valuable articles from a church, which adds sacrilege to the sin of theft?

3. Have I stolen small sums from a person or corporation with the intention of continuing the
practice over a period of time?

4. Have I actually continued to steal small amounts at regular intervals and so taken a large sum
over a period of time?

5. Have I joined with others in stealing, each one agreeing to take a little, but the total amounting to a grave sum?

6. Have I failed to make restitution for grave thefts when I could have done so?

7. Have I accepted stolen goods from another, either as a gift or a sale, to be used by myself or
sold again?

8. Have I wilfully injured the property of another to a serious extent?

9. Have I refused to pay for another person's property that I have wilfully and seriously

10. Have I defrauded another of something valuable, to which he had a right, by telling a lie, or
giving false testimony, or secretly hanging a contract or a will?

11. Have I acquired the property of another through deceit, lying, misrepresentation, etc., or
sold a bad investment in the same way?

12. Have I found something of considerable value and kept it when I knew the owner, or failed to
try to find the owner when there was a possibility of doing so?

13. Have I deprived my family of a decent living by keeping my money for myself or foolishly
spending it?

14. Have I, as executor or official representative of another in business matters, enriched
myself or others by acting contrary to his known will, or refused to carry out his express will in
distributing his goods?

15. Have I given short weight or measure in selling things to others, either to the extent of a
grave amount on one occasion, or by cheating in small amounts regularly and continuously?

16. Have I charged a gravely exorbitant price for something because I knew that somebody would pay
that much?

17. Have I lied about the quality of something I sold or exchanged, thus cheating another gravely?

18. Have I enriched myself by paying gravely inadequate wages to those who worked for me?

19. Have I campaigned and conspired to prevent laborers from obtaining a living wage?

20. Have I cheated my employer by seriously neglecting the work I was hired to do?

21. Have I supported communists or racketeers in making unjust demands upon employers?

22. Have I cooperated in sabotage or the destruction of property because of labor disputes?

23. Have I cheated or deceived a partner in business so that there was a gravely unjust
distribution of profits?

24. Have I bribed others to give me contracts to which I had no right, so that
somebody was unjustly deprived of gain?

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