Page 21         

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2. Have I permitted jealousy of another
who was promoted ahead of me to show itself in my conduct?

3. Because I did not like others, did I refuse to cooperate with them in work we were given to do?

4. Have I engaged in petty gossip about my neighbors?

5. Have I told my friends the unkind remarks others made about them, thus fomenting ill-will?

6. Have I attributed bad motives to others when I could not be certain of their motives?

7. Have I hurt others by my flare-ups of anger and impatience?

8. Have I made cutting, sarcastic remarks to others?

9. Have I contributed to the venial sins of others by unreasonably teasing or annoying them?

10. Have I lessened the fear of sin in others by thoughtlessly making light of some sin?

11. Have I led others into venial sin by suggestion or bad example?

12. Have I prevented others from performing a good work by dissuading them from it?

13. Have I committed venial sins in the presence of children, knowing that they might possibly
imitate me?

14. Have I approved the venial sins of others by providing them with justifying

15. Have I failed to remove the possibility of scandal being taken from some good action
of mine when I could easily have done so?


1. Have I pondered the awful meaning of the Saviour's words: "If anyone scandalize one of these my
little ones, it were better for him that a millstone be hanged around his neck and he be cast into
the depths of the sea"?

2. Have I tried to cultivate a genuine zeal for souls, which will show itself first and foremost
by a ceaseless effort to prevent sin?

3. Have I a wholesome disregard of human respect, which makes so many people afraid to try to
prevent sin?

4. Have I realized the far-reaching power of my example, which influences others for good or bad
even when I am unaware of that influence?

5. Have I an earnest desire to offset the power of Satan, who is constantly trying to lead others
into sin?

6. Do I guard my words and conduct especially in the presence of children, knowing their great
susceptibility to imitate older people?

7. Do I remember these words of Christ, which apply to sins against charity: "Whatsoever you
have done to the least of my little ones, you have done it to me"?

ASPIRATION: O my God, I love Thee, and I love my neighbor as myself for the love of Thee.
(Indulgence of three years.) [26]

PRAYER: O patient Jesus, how unworthy ..I am
of Thee! Thou was all charity towards Thy

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