Page 19         

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7. Have I recalled, when hurt by others, how God has forgiven me for my many sins, and have I tried
to forgive in the same generous spirit?

8. Have I been quick to show my sorrow in some way when I have, either consciously or
inadvertently, given pain to others?

9. Have I prayed for others, especially when tempted to angry thoughts and feelings?

10. Have I prayed daily for my parents and all my benefactors?

11. Have I adopted the twofold motto: (1) never to give pain and (2) to add to the happiness of
others whenever possible?

ASPIRATION: Sweet Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us and on our erring brothers. (300 days
indulgence.) [202]

PRAYER: O loving and merciful Saviour, enkindle in my heart a fire of charity towards my neighbor
like unto Thine own. Thou didst spend Thyself in behalf of others; Thou didst suffer cold and heat,
hunger and thirst, poverty and want, a bitter passion and painful death to save others from
their sins and to bring them happiness. Thou didst say that charity would be the mark of Thy true
disciples, and didst promise that whatever we do for others will be accepted as done for Thee. I am
sorry for all my past neglect of opportunities to help others; for all my selfishness and pride
and greed; for all my failure to lead souls nearer to Thee. Grant me the grace to be kind and
considerate in my words, thoughtful and helpful in my actions, generous and forgiving towards my
enemies, and mindful always that I am bound to love
others as myself for the love of Thee. Give me
a great zeal for souls, that I may be inspired use every means within my
 power to enlighten the ignorant, to win sinners away
from their sins, and to assist all whom I may meet to place their hope and trust in Thee. 0 Mary,
mother of mercy and compassion, obtain for me the grace of true charity and fraternal love.

Let us therefore love God, because God first hath loved us.
If any man say, I love God, and hateth his brother; he is a liar. For he that loveth not his
brother, whom he seeth, how can he love God, whom he seeth not?
And this commandment we have from God, that he, who loveth God, love also his brother.
- I John 4:19-21

(Negative Obligations)

Besides the positive duties of fraternal charity, such as almsgiving, correction, forgiveness,
etc., there are many sins to be avoided in the practice of the same virtue, and these may be listed
under the head of its negative obligations.

Every human being has it in his power not only to help his neighbor, but also to hurt him. This
latter may take the form of temporal harm, as it does in the sins of hatred, slander, detraction,
and similar sins, or it may do eternal harm as in the case of scandal and cooperation in another's
sins. Each of these topics has a wide variety of applications, of which the chief ones are
touched on in this examen.


1. Have I hated others, which means actually and deliberately wishing them grave harm on earth or
the loss of their souls?

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