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God's goodness, in creating me out of
nothing, in redeeming me with His Blood, in raising me to the supernatural state, and surrounding
me with means to advance in virtue?

5. Have I trained myself to see God's hand and God's love in the natural blessings I enjoy-
blessings of family, friends, education, surroundings, innocent enjoyments, etc., and then to thank
Him by a return of love?

6. Have I frequently turned my mind to the greatest proof of God's love - His death on the Cross -
that I might be inspired to stronger love?

7. Have I received Holy Communion frequently, realizing that the best proof of love is union
with the one beloved?

8. Have I made special acts of love of God at the time of Mass and Communion, realizing that
these bring me closest to God?

9. After a venial sin, have I made an act of love of God and determined to become perfect in my
habit of love?

10. Have I subjected all my affections to the love of God, trying to make them perfectly
conformed to His will so that I can say I love all things and persons in and with God?

11. Have I readily conformed my will to God's will, not only by keeping His commandments, but
also by consenting to His will when He has permitted some misfortune to befall me?

12. Have I tried to know God better that I might love Him more, by reading, listening to sermons,

13. Have I realized that the love of God is not necessarily accompanied by emotional
feelings and warm sentiments, and that it is more meritorious if, without these things, I continue
the practices of love?

EJACULATORY PRAYER: Jesus, my God, I love Thee above all things. (300 days indulgence.) [57]

PRAYER: O great Lord of heaven and earth, Infinite Good, Infinite Majesty, who hast loved men so
tenderly, how is it that Thou art so much despised by them? Yet amongst those men, O my God, Thou
hast loved me in a particular manner and hast bestowed on me special graces that have not
been given to so many others. And I have despised Thee more than others. I deserve to be cast off on
account of my frequent ingratitude to Thee. But Thou hast said that Thou wilt not reject a
penitent soul that returns to Thee. My Jesus, I am sorry for having offended Thee. I now
acknowledge Thee for my Lord and Redeemer, who hast died in order to save me and to be
loved by me. I this day resolve to love Thee with my whole heart, and to love nothing but Thee. I
adore Thee for all those who do not adore Thee, and I love Thee for all those who do not love Thee.
My Lord, give me Thy love, but a fervent love which will make me forget all creatures; a strong
love, which will make me conquer all difficulties in order to please Thee; a perpetual love which
will never be dissolved between me and Thee. O Mary, my Mother, fill my heart with love for my


God has made a special commandment out of the natural duty and obligation of respecting His
name. That this should be necessary sometimes strikes us as very strange. God is a Father,
Provider, Protector, Preserver of us

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